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Home Organizing Case Study

This is the story of a recent client who has given her permission to share their journey in the hopes it might help you see the possibilities beyond the clutter.

The Client

Meet Jen - busy mom of two young children, running two businesses, and actively involved in hobbies and volunteer work. Diagnosed with ADHD at age 40, she has always struggled with keeping on top of clutter and finding ways to get and stay organized. Jen and her husband also both work from home, which presented unique challenges in managing their small floor plan.


The Challenge
Jen's home was a source of constant overwhelm, anxiety, and frustration. With too much stuff and too few systems, every day felt like a battle against clutter—from toys and papers to school items, clothes, pantry items and bathroom toiletries. The family struggled to stay on the same page, often feeling frustrated with themselves and each other.  Jen often found herself searching for misplaced items, adding to her stress and frustration.


The Solution
Mindy came in and immediately saw the potential beneath the chaos. She worked closely with Jen and her husband to curate solutions that truly reflected what they wanted. Together, they decided on acrylic bins for easy access and organization, making it simple to grab and go or put things away.


Mindy also helped the couple navigate tension around differing opinions about what to keep, what to purge, and how to organize it all. With patience and expertise, she customized solutions for every single room, ensuring that each space was tailored to their specific needs and preferences. Mindy worked closely with the couple to declutter some spaces together. 


But when the family went on vacation, Mindy and her team took over, transforming the entire home with care and precision. They stayed in touch through FaceTime, coordinating product orders, and managing everything upon delivery, so they returned to a fully organized and serene space.


The Results
The transformation has been life-changing. The family has been able to maintain the organization, implementing better routines to purge items and put things where they belong. The home feels more spacious, less chaotic, and Jen is much less anxious. They’ve been meal planning, communicating better, and even making their beds (at least a few days a week)! While things are never totally Pinterest perfect with young kids at home, the difference is night and day. The once overwhelming clutter has given way to a more peaceful, functional, and joyful living space.


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